Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Tribal DTS Outreach team is now back

Yes, the TDTS outreach team is now in Bontoc. They arrived on December 11 at Clark and stayed for one day in Baguio. The staff and students came to Bontoc on December 13 and had their graduation on December 15.

The SSM students roasting the pig for the graduation party and 1st Tribal DTS Alumni Homecoming.

We invited graduates of the TDTS since Year 2000. Not all responded but it was a time of reminiscing, sharing and encouraging one another as each alumni shared what happened to their lives after graduation. For the record, graduates of the TDTS are now working as overseas missionaries in Indo-China, as pastors in their local churches and as YWAM staff in the Philippines in different locations. We are excited on what the new graduates will choose as they are now undergoing debriefing and re-entry lectures today.

The Tribal DTS graduates presenting a number for the visitors in their orange outreach T Shirts.

Patrick and Rufina emceeing and directing the Tribal DTS graduation and Alumni Homecoming program.

And of course, the teambuilding activity was part of the program. TDTS alumni doing one of the team building activities introduced by Thom & Lisa Maxwell.